Ultrasound Scans in Bhopal
Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to look at organs and structures inside the body. During pregnancy, doctors use ultrasound to view the fetus. Unlike x-rays, ultrasound does not expose you to radiation.
During an ultrasound test, you lie on a table. The doctor moves a device called a transducer over part of your body. The transducer sends out sound waves, which bounce off the tissues inside your body. The transducer also captures the waves that bounce back. The ultrasound machine creates images from the sound waves.
Our Best Services Included
Early Pregnancy Scan: < 10 Weeks
It is done to confirm the location of the pregnancy . If a pregnancy is outside the uterus it is called as ectopic pregnancy. It needs a urgent care. It also confirms whether one or more babies are there.
The presences of heart beat is very reassuring.
First Trimester NT Scan: 11-13+6 Weeks
At the stage of pregnancy we can make out very clearly the different body parts.
We also screen the baby for likelihood of chromosomal abnormality. The most common chromosomal abnormality seen are trisomy 21 (DOWN Syndrome), Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18.
We see the fluid thickness behind the neck of the baby i.e. Nuchal translucency (NT).
Mother’s Blood Test called a Double marker is offered at this stage of pregnancy. The scan result and the blood report is combined for chromosomal abnormality screen(Combined first trimester screen).
In addition, we assess complete structure of the baby by checking head , face, heart , lungs, abdomen , bladder, kidney, hands, legs, placenta and cord.
It takes around 20 minutes for this scan. It may take longer time if baby is not in favorable position. The delivery date is also assigned at this scan. This date remains constant and does not change in further scans.
At this scan we also screen for pre eclampsia and preterm labour.
Early Anomaly Scan: 16-18 Weeks
We ask for this scan if certain problems are seen at NT Scan which need to be followed up.
If there is any particular history in the family or previous children with defects, then also early anomaly scan is recommended.
Detailed Anomaly Scan: 18-22 Weeks
Also called as Target scan. This scan is done to monitor the development of all the organs of the baby. In this scan baby’s head, brain, face, heart, lungs ,stomach ,intestine, limbs and backbone are studied in detail. The placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid is also studied. Screening for chromosomal abnormality , pre eclampsia and preterm labour is done at this scan also.
Monitoring of the Twin Pregnancy (DCDA Twin, MCDA Twin, MoMo Twin)
Twin pregnancy needs to be monitored more as compared to a singleton.
The reason being that more complications are associated with them.
The twin pregnancy is more likely to have problems like miscarriage, premature birth, growth restriction of babies, intrauterine death of baby, maternal problems like increased blood pressure (PIH), increased sugar levels (GDM).
The twin pregnancy can be of two types. If the babies have different placenta they are called as Dichorionic Twins (DCDA) and if they share the same placenta , called as Monochorionic Twins (MCDA).
The Babies with different placenta (DCDA) have less problems than the ones who are sharing the placenta(MCDA). Therefore the scans are planned on monthly basis for them.
However the MCDA twins pregnancies have peculiar complications like Twin- Twin Transfusion syndrome , Selective fetal growth restriction (sFGR), Twin Anemia – Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS). This is because of connections of blood vessels in the single placenta which they share.
We monitor these babies as per the international protocols .The MCDA twin babies are monitored every two weeks for their amniotic fluid, blood flows (Dopplers) and size. This is done to detect any problem arising as soon as possible and to intervene timely to have the best outcome.
Advanced Fetal Echocardiography
At the anomaly scan we examine the heart in detail. We can pick up defects in the baby’s heart. We need to define the correctable defects ( after birth ) and life threatening defects.
In echocardiography we study the structure in detail and also assess the Doppler study. All forms of cardiac defects cannot be diagnosed before birth.
Fetal Well Being Growth Scan (Doppler Included)
In later part of pregnancy, the baby’s growth is monitored by measuring head circumference, abdominal circumference and the thigh bone (femur) length. This provides us the baby’s weight. We also assess the position of the baby, the fluid around the baby (amniotic fluid) is measured. The blood flow in the umbilical cord and brain is also assessed.